Tips On Preparing For A Spine Surgery

As you are planning to visit your doctor for a spine surgery, you need to be fully prepared for it. The spine is a delicate body part that supports the entire frame. If you want a safe surgery spinal surgeon Dr. LaRocca is the person to see. That is why you need to be careful to take all the necessary actions to be prepared for the surgery.
Tips on preparing for spine surgery
Keep some medication away
Some medications tend to have severe effects as you are going through the surgery. Such medications like aspirin, or any other anti-inflammatory drugs can have a negative impact. Your doctor will also advise you to stop taking them so that they cannot trigger excessive bleeding during the surgery. These medications can also cause complications during anesthesia.
Observe physical preparation
You will be needed to go through some tests like image scanning or blood test. As you prepare yourself for the surgery, you will need to quit smoking. The smoke fumes can also cause some adverse effects on the spine. The complications can lead to a failed surgery, so be wise and avoid smoking before the surgery. You might also be needed to donate your blood or get someone of a similar blood group.
Modify your house
After going through the surgery, the surgeon will advise you to avoid too much movement. For that, you will need to ensure that the items at home are placed within your reach. For the items that you frequently use, you can keep them in a convenient place. Ideally, place them where you will not have to bend to get them. You can also buy a set of paper plates and cups to eliminate the need for washing them constantly.
You may also need to install a toilet riser to help keep the spine in the right position. Since you will be using the toilet every day, a toilet riser is a great option to consider. You can also get a grabber to help you pick up items that have dropped on the floor.
Get the necess
ary help in advance
During the spine recovery process of the spine surgery, you will need to have a person helping you where you cannot manage. You could invite your friend to help you out, or you can talk to any of your family members that can be available. Ideally, find an adult member of the family or a close friend that will not mind helping you for long until you completely recover.
These are some of the things that will help you as you are preparing for spine surgery. It is all about getting everything in place to avoid complications and difficulty during and after the surgery.